a new article is up at WCP by yours truly...
my wife told me that i should stop writing only about poker stuff (especially the weekly game) on this blog and add more diverse postings... so i put up the music post below, not because she said so, but because i felt like it. really, it was.
so i bring it to the people: do you, like my wife, hate me? is there any other subject on which you would like to me to spit knowledge at you? like a white, severely less-talented krs-one... "because he's droppin', droppin', droppin' science, droppin history. with a whole leap of style and intelligency"...
10 points for the song reference.
::beans:: |
1 things to say:
(pp)i personally like to hear the goings on at the weekly poker game but i guess i could just get a phone update...and now you have the chops stuff which would theoretically satiate your poker blogging needs. so in short, yes i do hate you and this needs to be just music but as for more diverse posts...i'm not sure what that means except that cami is wrong.
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