so i first remember hearing about Reggie and the Full Effect when their album promotional copy came out, mainly because it was so good and so weird in so many ways. it came out when emo was burgeoning right around 2000 and some of the songs were awesome post-punk power pop masterpieces with tguk and anniversary-ish keyboards, some were more like an emo Adam Sandler. my memory is not always what i would like it to be, but i don't remember not thinking that "Reggie" was the keyboardist from tguk. however, apparently there was this whole "thing" over his real identity that i just found out about, whatever. the band consists of James Dewees (the keyboardist and one-time drummer for seminal hardcore band Coalesce) and that is it, just him and his weird sense of humor. the song that caught my attention back then was called "dwarf invasion", it was written about, well, a dwarf invasion. the lyrics went something like this:
" (hoch hoch.....[repeated many times in background]) hallo americans this is claus from common denominators that's the band you are listening to right now we are from finland this is our debut album here in america, das grund this is the dwarf invasion blah one two three four you are not my friend you are my foe you are two feet tall you have got to go this is dwarf invasion (dwarf invasion) dwarf invasion (dwarf invasion) (dwarf invasion) (dwarf invasion)
shut up dirk this is not a friend you are very small you can barely stand up to me you can't play basketball this is dwarf invasion (dwarf invasion)
thank you very much for having us in your country we'll see you next year goodnight go back to the room go back
so not the most serious thing i have ever heard, but it was funny and the rest of the album was good. reggie fell off my radar for a little while during the time that screamo and other harder versions of this music occupied my music listening hours, and, to be honest, stuff that was less of a joke and more serious. pick back up in the present day and i just heard i song from their new album Songs Not to Get Married To on Vagrant that i really like. apparently he just got a divorce, hence the name of the album, and the new stuff is a little different than it used to be, here is a quote from the man himself:
"This is my new record. It is a little less silly than the last three, but I recently got divorced and lost everything so I don't have much to celebrate these days. However, I am still a happy camper, just single camping now. I hope you enjoy the new record and if my ex-wife is one of those unknown people who gets one of these bios…wow, you scored hella good huh?"
so, yeah... there's no bitterness there. a little more of the Coalesce side of him comes through in some metal-ish songs, but there are also some pop gems included. anyway, all of that to say that i liked the song and thought that you might also enjoy it, so here you go: - get well soon
and some other songs from the new album: - what the hell is contempt? - what the hell is stipulation?
and an old song just for the hell of it from promotional copy, mainly becuase i can't find the dwarf invasion mp3 anywhere on the whole wide worldwide web: - from me 2 u
::bye bye::
1 things to say:
If I had been that drunk guy at the Get 'em Up Kids show, I would have been screaming "Reggie" at the end of every song. Woot.
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