so i'm having some directional issues. i used to write exclusively about music, with some poker and college football thrown in; however, i found it entirely too draining of my time and energy to try and keep up with every single band that puts something out. i even found myself posting about stuff that i didn't even really like all that much, just to have something to write about. keeping up a regular posting schedule about music requires an enormous amount of time, not in the posting, but in the researching and listening and i only want to post about music that i've actually listened to and i don't spend a lot of time in the car and there's a lot of good tv to watch...
so now what do i do? as you can see i have sort of devolved into this random thought blog in which i post whatever comes to mind at any given time, with no direction or consistency of content.
this can be amusing for a while but i know that when i look for a good blog read i search by subject, not so much by i need a subject? i'm not so keen on reading about the random happenings in the life of someone i don't know, so why assume that my random life events are blog-worthy? i guess that begs another questions.... do i cater to those that already read this or try to attract new readers? is that effort futile in itself with the sheer volume of available reading and blogging nowadays?
i could try to go back to music and just post less-often but with higher quality (theoretically) but the most read blogs are the ones that update frequently.
I could be a local ATL blog but there are a bunch of good ones already.
if i'm gonna take the time to write about poker it would probably be for Wicked Chops...
plus my favorite college football writer just started a blog so that's pretty stiff competition....
what's my niche?
any ideas?
the answer will probably be music, my first love, with occasional randomness but i would still like to know what you think.
i may also go for a layout/format change pretty soon, maybe a new title bar design....i am up for submissions.
please point me in the right direction...
Posted by
11:04 AM
things to say
some random things...
give it a second to load, but worth it:
Zidane: A World View
i'm gonna be in vegas, aug 2-7 for some WSOP viewing and coverage with the boys (and my partial employers) from Wicked Chops Poker. if anyone reads this and wants to say hi in vegas, drop me a line, otherwise just look for the swarms of adoring blog fans following us around the whole time, or possibly just look in the bodog room.
then again my mom and wife won't be there and no one else reads this.... so, "hi, self. we should hang out in vegas while you're there. that would be rad".
also, anyone feel up to staking me? remember, i have a non-profit life... i feel like poker could be my way up out the....cubicle?
Posted by
11:02 AM
things to say
quote of the day....
the title infers that this will be a daily thing, but my readers (hi mom and wife) know better than that. i just happened to find a quote that i thought deserved mention:
"The guy who drinks the blood of his competitors did."
- Pat Forde of referring to which version of Tiger Woods showed up to play at the British Open.
over the top? yes
tiger bandwagon? absolutely (full discolsure: so am i)
drinking blood? awesome!
here's an mp3 to celebrate with:
3 inches of blood - deadly sinners
Posted by
9:23 AM
1 things to say
ways i kill time...
so on top of e-mail, IM, myspace, and reading about the world cup, college football, music, poker, and assorted pr blogs, i've added another way to kill time at work...
brief question: can anyone tell me how to embed a hyperlink into a pic? i have limited html code knowledge and would like to be able to add this trick to my repertoire...
Posted by
10:17 AM
things to say
what the crap...
this is my version of a great cuban sandwich for the day... set aside 4:58 of your day for this.
they look so god-same like the same person....
Posted by
9:03 AM
things to say